... because we've been all over the Web comparing resume writers and putting companies
through their paces. Before we go any further, keep in mind that just because somebody calls himself a
resume writer doesn't mean he's any good at it. Anybody can put up a shingle on the internet and
start a resume writer service. But your resume is too important to trust to just anybody.
Here's what to look for in a professional resume writer -- and what we valued when
identifying our list of recommended companies.
Resume Writing Services - Quality of Workmanship
We're former resume writers, ourselves (see "About Us"). After ten years in the business, we know a thing or two about writing a
resume. Like how to draw relevant information out of a client. Like how to put that client's best foot
forward on paper through subtlety of language. Like how to use design and layout to marketing advantage. It
drove us a bit crazy at times because we're perfectionists. Though we're no longer writing resumes, those
job skills, that perfectionism, is still there--and we look for it in other writers. Most of the time,
sadly, we don't find it. When we do, we sit up and take notice. So quality of workmanship is what we value
the most. You should, too.
Professional Resume Writer - Credentials
A minimal level of quality workmanship is assured if you're dealing with a writer who
has passed a series of qualifiers leading to the designation as a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW).
We insisted on this basic level of competency. You should, too.
The Communication Process
The best professional resume writers are confident enough in their fields of specialty that
they can conduct an intelligent conversation with you, their client. Almost all companies will initially
send out an email questionnaire to gather basic information about you. That's fine and that's efficient.
But if there is no further provision in their process for a telephone conversion with the writer, be wary.
The fine-tuning of a resume, the spark that turns blah blah blah into a dynamic marketing document comes
about from information gleaned via a live chat between client and writer. We place big value on a
telephone interview with the writer. You should, too.
Resume Writing Services - Price
We evaluated dozens of resume writing services in the course of developing our
recommendations. We saw prices ranging from $39.00 to $1,000.00 and everything in between.
Because we know what it takes to go from telephone interview to finished resume--in
terms of time and anguish--we know fair pricing when we see it. Which explains why the companies we detail
above are in the same relative ballpark when it comes to pricing. A good writer working on the resume for a
mid-level professional is going to need to charge $150-$200, or his talents are under priced and he'll soon be
looking for work elsewhere. Nobody can charge $39 unless they're operating a factory -- cranking out resumes
that all look alike but for a line here and there. And that $1000 resume? Please. We look for fair value. So should you.
Resume Writing Services - A Guarantee
The best professional resume writers will stand behind their work. Though a rare few
offer assurances of results and interviews, at the very least you should expect your resume writer to make
revisions until you're satisfied. Better yet is a resume writer who offers to revise your resume at no charge
if it's not working.
We've tried to provide a bit of help in identifying a resume service that can
translate your unique qualifications into a marketing document that opens doors. We wish you well in your job
- David Alan Carter

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