As an executive in the throes
of a job search, it's no longer just about a resume. In today's highly competitive and fast-changing
marketplace, there's value branding. There's your online profile and social media
management. There are strategy sessions with your writer toward the development of a comprehensive
personal marketing campaign.
These are challenges that dictate only the most senior and experienced professional resume
writers need apply. Your professional future may very well hinge on the qualifications of the person you tap
to capture you on paper. As a senior-level executive, you already know that quality carries a price. Go into
this job search demanding of that quality, and accepting of the price it may carry.
Expect a seasoned resume writer to invest considerably more time on your
executive project that would be typical at the mid-professional level. An in-depth phone
consultation should be a given. In fact, each of the companies we review on this page provide
such one-on-one service at the executive level.
Finally, in your evaluation of prospective writers, you might want to give extra points to
those companies that offer assistance with online media profile development (i.e. Linkedin). Showcasing your
value outside the traditional resume format is rapidly becoming a necessity.
We've tried to provide a bit of help in identifying a resume service that can
translate your unique qualifications into a marketing document that opens doors. We wish you well in your job
- David Alan Carter

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