... How much is a good resume likely to cost the new grad? It varies considerably depending upon
the company, but usually less than the cost to prepare a resume for a more seasoned pro with years of work
experience. Part of that is competitive pressure; most colleges and universities have placement offices with
staff who will assist in resume preparation for graduating seniors, though usually the end result is a bit
bare bones. And part of it is the fact that most recent grads haven't accumulated a work history that takes
up a writer's time organizing and promoting.
That's not to suggest there is little work involved with a recent grad's
resume. Quite the contrary. It's been our experience that the shorter the paper trail of employment
experience, the deeper the writer has to dig for information that can be spun into qualifications for a
That's why a one-on-one telephone interview with your writer is so important -- especially
at this entry-level stage. A good writer can draw out your strengths, and craft a document that
will focus on those strengths and transition to what you're capable of
achieving going forward.
We've tried to provide a bit of help in identifying a resume service that can
translate your unique qualifications into a marketing document that opens doors. We wish you well in your job
- David Alan Carter

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