
School Superintendent Resume - Shouldn't Yours Be Written By A Pro?Help With A School Superintendent Resume

© David Alan Carter 
 All Rights Reserved

If You Need To Write A School Superintendent Resume... I'm sure you're aware that the field of education - in general - is fairing somewhat better than the overall economy when it comes to projected job growth. But that doesn't mean it's coming up roses for superintendents.

Indeed, looming budgetary crises in districts around the country, coupled with ever-increasing regulatory oversight, ratchet up the stress levels in an already tough executive post. Some can't take it, and retirements (early or otherwise) will account for the bulk of new job opportunities.

And yet despite that pressure cooker of a work environment, keen competition is expected for those superintendent jobs, as the prestige and relatively high compensation will always attract a number of qualified candidates. 

Increasingly, resumes competing for these top jobs in education are being written by the most experienced professional resume writers. Should yours be written by a pro? Well...

The Pro Has Four Advantages When Writing A School Superintendent Resume

The certified professional resume writer brings some advantages to the game right off the bat. You'll need to match these advantages, or compensate in other ways, if you plan to write your own resume.

  1. The professional resume writer is adept in the techniques of resume writing; format selection, design and layout, knowing what information to include on a superintendent resume, and what to leave off.
  2. The pro has industry experience that is both perceptive and objective; a writer who can speak the language while maintaining that unbiased eye necessary to write promotional copy that doesn't come off sounding vain or posturing. 
  3. The pro is comfortable working with "keywords," utilizing them strategically to ensure that your superintendent resume will pop up in database searches.
  4. The professional resume writer is, most importantly, a marketing pro. There's a real skill in selling a job candidate to an often cynical audience (i.e. boards of directors screening for a superintendent) with nothing more than words on a page.

My Recommendations For A School Superintendent Resume

As a former resume writer, I can say without a doubt that each and every one of my clients, from every professional walk of life, could have crafted a resume themselves that could have been competitive in the marketplace. And that includes clients in education administration. But they came to me because they didn't School Superintendent Resume - Tapping A Professional Resume Writer Could Make The Differencehave the time or the inclination to get up to speed on resume techniques. Or they found that their job qualifications were difficult for them to express in a promotional -- and unbiased -- manner.

If you're an administrator who falls into either category, you've got plenty of company. And you've probably noticed there are a lot of resume services popping up to take advantage of these economic times. I've dedicated a page, Review of Resume Writers, to 9 of the more popular resume services on the web, providing mini-reviews, showing their pricing, and giving each a star ranking.

Pressed for time and just want my personal recommendation? For executive-level quality, I'd go with either top-rated ResumeWriters.com or ResumeEdge.com. Both do exceptional work at reasonable prices.  

Or, Tap One Of The "Best Of The Best"

But I have to tell you, if you want the cream of the crop working on your behalf, consider a woman by the name of Erin Kennedy. A Certified Expert Resume Writer (CERW), Kennedy is a nationally published author and contributor to 8 best-selling career books. As I mention in my In-Depth Review of Erin Kennedy, Kennedy specializes in executive branding. You'll work one-on-one with her, from an initial hour of telephone consultation, to unlimited email support.

Her prices are not for the faint of heart, but she's so confident in her work that she guarantees you'll get the interview. Her website: http://exclusive-executive-resumes.com/ 

That's it. Drop us a note if we can be of further help. And best of luck in your job search.

-- David

David Alan Carter is a former technical recruiter (i.e. headhunter) and the founder of Resume One of Cincinnati. For more than ten years, he personally crafted thousands of resumes for satisfied clients from all occupational walks of life, from entry-level to senior executive.

Keywords of note: school superintendent resume, superintendents resumes,
superintendent jobs, education administration

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